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‘I am not Satoshi Nakamoto': Subject of HBO documentary denies he invented bitcoin


The identity of Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains one of the great mysteries of the digital age. A new documentary claims to have found the answer but not without controversy. The documentary suggests a particular bitcoin developer as the 2009 founder, but he denies the claim, calling it irresponsible and a danger to his safety. The film director defends the conclusion, stating the individual had ample opportunity to clarify.

Speculation on Bitcoin’s creator has resulted in numerous theories. The mystery deepens, given the significant amount of Bitcoin under Nakamoto's control. The director spent years exploring these theories before focusing on this developer, supported by a decade-old online post.

Bitcoin's growing role in finance amplifies interest in its creator's identity, who might control a vast portion of the cryptocurrency. The director argues that understanding the creator's intentions is crucial, as Bitcoin is now integral to many financial systems.

While past efforts have tried to solve this mystery, the director claims their evidence is compelling, akin to making a strong case in a court trial. The film aims to unmask the creator, whose response to the confrontation adds intrigue. The documentary attempts to balance the mythos of the anonymous figure with the reality of its findings.

The documentary presents various pieces of evidence, including stylistic elements of a forum post, to support its case. The named individual, however, dismisses these connections as mere coincidences, suggesting the online platform allows for edits that negate the documentary's premise.

This film contributes to the ongoing debate and speculation surrounding one of modern finance's greatest enigmas, presenting evidence for audiences to consider themselves. The complexities and theories around the Bitcoin founder ensure this mystery will persist and captivate interest, despite remaining unsolved.