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Webb observations hint at giant asteroid collision in a nearby planetary system

·1 min

‘The James Webb Telescope: Are We Alone?’ offers an inside look at a powerful telescope premiering on Sunday, June 16. A collision between giant asteroids likely occurred in a neighboring star system called Beta Pictoris, which has intrigued astronomers due to its proximity and age. Beta Pictoris is considered a ’teenage planetary system’ at 20 million years old. The now retired Spitzer Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope have been used to study the system. By comparing the observations, scientists realized that two major dust clouds had disappeared. The data suggests a collision between giant asteroids just prior to the observations. This could provide insights into how rocky planets are forming in real time. The system is expected to be studied further to better understand planet formation. The aim is to determine if the early days of our own solar system were typical or unusual.